Facial With PRP

Irina Gressel, MD -  - Primary Care

Irina Gressel, MD

Primary Care & Aesthetic Physician located in Fort Greene, Brooklyn, NY

PRP facial

The PRP Facial is a minimally invasive treatment to rejuvenate your skin, restore your complexion, skin, texture, and tone. The PRP Facial factors are derived from your own blood to create – Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) – with the Micro-needling (EVO pen) procedure for skin tightening and rejuvenation.

Possible Benefits of The PRP Facial

-          Low- downtime

-          Affordable

-          Safe for all skin types

-          Improvement of facial acne scars, skin texture, skin tone, and skin color.


What Does The PRP Facial Treat?

-          Fine Lines and Wrinkles

-          Uneven Skin Tone and Texture

-          Acne Scars

-          Hyperpigmentation

-          Enlarged Pores

-          Dark Circles Under the Eye

-          Does The PRP Facial Hurt?

-          The PRP Facial is mildly uncomfortable, but the use of a topical numbing cream will make this procedure well tolerated.


Steps of The PRP Facial procedure?

  1. The physician isolates growth factors from the patient’s blood.
  2. The Physician uses a micro- needling device to create multiple micro-punctures driving the growth factors into the skin, and the micro-punctures tighten the skin by increasing production of collagen.
  3. The Physician reapplies growth factors onto the micro-punctures for further accelerated stimulation and rejuvenation.


How Long Is the PRP Facial Procedure?

The PRP Facial takes approximately 30 minutes.